The first annual KING OF THE CAVES JEEP OLYMPICS is a TEAM competition that will test the team skills in all aspects of JEEPIN!!!!
The Olympics will consist of four individual events and one team event. The times for ALL events will be added for a combined time. The team with the fastest COMBINDED TIME wins the Olympics!!!!!
The teams will consist of a 4 jeep team/Driver and Co-Driver. Out of the 4 jeep team one MUST be a female DRIVER.
Entry fee: $100 per team. 100% of the proceeds will go to the WFTW TX Chapter
Each jeep team member will compete in ONLY 1 of the Individual event.
All jeep team members will compete in the Final event..
The jeep teams have to use their own tools / recovery gear that THEY bring and have on hand at the time of the contest. NO OTHER tools can be used / barrowed from other teams or onlookers.
Prizes will be given out as follows: 1st & 2nd & 3rd places
Individual Events:
Team Event
Tire Change
Challenge: Complete the tire change in the fastest time.
Task: Driver/ spotter team change out the front passenger tire for working spare in the fastest time with only the tools they have in their Jeep.
Rules: Team will begin the task seated in their Jeep. When given the go, they must exit and work together to change out front passenger tire for their working spare that is mounted on the vehicle. Once the tire change has taken place and all tools and the “flat tire” are secure on/ within the rig, the team must drive forward 10 feet to the finish line to stop time.
- Failure to secure any gear or tire before the roll to the finish will result in a 30 second penalty.
- Failure to properly tighten/ use all lug nuts on the front passenger tire before the roll will result in a 1 minute penalty.
Humpty Dumpty
Challenge: Navigate a marked course without dropping the egg
Task: Driver/ co-driver (egg carrier) must navigate a marked course with the fastest time. The co-driver will be holding an egg in a table spoon outside of the rig.
Rules: Drive through the course without dropping the egg from the spoon. The only hands on the egg that are allowed are the one hand that’s holding the spoon. If the egg falls from the spoon than the team MUST return to a designated start line and start over. The team MUST stay on the marked course. Fastest time wins.
- Touching the egg with the non spoon hand – Disqualified!
- Not staying on the course-Disqualified!
- Dropping an egg- the team must restart at one at the starting line. The time does NOT stop for the team to get back to the designated start line.
Trailer Backing Challenge
Challenge: Back a provided trailer in to a designated parking spot.
Task: From a set starting position, move your rig through the course and back the trailer into the parking spot.
Rules: you must stay inside the markers for the course, you must park the trailer with out hitting markers, sides or rear of parking spot.
- 15 second penalty per marker hit, 30 second penalty for touching either side or the rear of the parking spot.
- Disqualified if you leave the laid out course with any portion of your rig.
Spotter Challenge
- Knocking over any of the courses cones – 10 sec penalty per cone.
- Driving off of the laid out course – 15 sec penalty.
- Removing or tampering with the blind fold enabling the driver to see – DQ
Team Trail Ride Challenge
Challenge: Complete a designated trail in the fastest time possible
Task: The entire team (jeeps and team members) must complete the designated trail in the fastest time passable
Rules: All jeeps and team members must complete the assigned trail. Teams can only use “what they bring” onto the trails to do any recovery/maintenance that might need to happen. If a break down accrues, it is up to the team to fix it/ and or keep moving (if possible). The time will NOT stop because of a break down.. ALL JEEPS and team members MUST cross the finish line to complete the course..
Fastest completed time wins
- Failure to have a Jeep cross the finish line: DQ
- Using assistance from outside the team: DQ